Selling was thought to be about tactics, but It’s a science.
Why? because serious academic research into the field of sales has shown what was formerly considered to be a process based on “hunches” is actually much more than that.
Science has proven that more than fancy words are needed in sales. In fact, effective communication which involves the use of intonation, body language, and, yes, emotions are essential requirements. All outstanding salespeople exhibit a common trait: Enthusiasm. A successful salesperson should be enthusiastic (even in the worst times!) and come across as a winner.
A great salesperson is optimistic, believes in what they are selling, and has faith to succeed with their objectives. Nobody else will -if you don’t hold that to be true-.
To achieve sales goals, a well thought approach and resilience are mandatory. Developing and using these learned skills are key when meeting the challenges of selling. Likewise, even failure can be used to improve and perfect on your sales approach or strategy
Every person is born with unique qualities that make selling tougher or simpler for them. From birth, the environment in which we grow and live determines and helps us develop particular skills. Although we have little influence during our formative years, we do have the power to acquire and sharpen some of these essential skills through higher (or later) education.
Sales people must be the most inventive people on earth!
The situation: you set up four meetings with four different clients and all result in failure to convince them on your product or service.
The approach: Before going back out to the sales arena, and to make sure this won’t happen again, why not ask yourself a few questions: What could have caused such failure rate? Did I say something wrong? Did I not answer to their specific needs?, and: What might I do differently going forward?
Download here the E-book “Emotional Intelligence in Sales” which will help you learn how to develop powerful selling skills through the use of emotional intelligence, and how emotional intelligence favors your overall selling approach.